My story

I grew up in a rural community and lived in the same house I was born in until getting married at the age of 17. I have two sisters whom I love dearly and I’m thankful for every moment we get to spend together.  My mom and dad were married 65 years before Daddy went home to be with the Lord.  Mama still lives in the house I grew up in. I enjoy going home and finding childhood treasures.

My parents were Christians and took me to church every time the doors were opened.  They instilled in me a love for the Lord and faithful church attendance. I attended Bible Camp every summer 1st – 6th grade and accepted Jesus as my Savior there on June 18, 1969.  I was baptized and joined the church one year later on July 5, 1970.  I’m so glad that I had the privilege of being baptized in the river that Sunday afternoon around 2:00.

Although I have the testimony and date of being saved at a young age, I don’t remember trusting Christ.  When preachers would say, “Go back to the time when you remember trusting Christ as your Savior,” I never had something to go back to when I was young.  I always thought about youth camp the summer before my 11th grade year of high school.  What a life changing time that was for me!   I’m thankful to share that time with you as my salvation date.  There is nothing like knowing you are saved (I John 5:13)!

I married my opposite, yet the love of my life, Tim Rabon, on July 27, 1979.  I would be 18 in two weeks and he had just turned 20 years of age when we were married on that hot Friday night.  We were so young yet so in love.  We became one that day and we continue to weave our marriage together as we make daily choices to love the Lord and each other.

God blessed us with three children, two sons and a daughter.  What wonderful memories I have of the growing up years.  They are priceless, but I can’t live there.  A new day has dawned as I enjoy time being Nana to 8 Cute Kids!    

Family is so important to me.  I love each moment we spend together and I consider time or money spent on family as an investment.  I love my family!

In 1997, my husband became the pastor of Beacon Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC.  He knew this was his calling and had been training for it for many years.  His calling is my calling so I began to work with the ladies of the church through hosting a Bible Study every fall and every spring.  As I taught the Bible and led discussion, I felt that God was using me to encourage women to grow spiritually.  Thus teaching has become my heartbeat for the ladies of our church and others in my influence.

From teaching to writing, God has placed in my heart a love for ladies of all ages, but especially young wives and mothers!

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